Different Types of Grass Seed

Every homeowner wants their lawn to be as beautiful as possible. A well-kept lawn has many aesthetic benefits, but a healthy lawn can also benefit the environment by cleaning the air, fortifying the soil, and reducing surface temperatures. Lawns can be kept healthy by regularly watering and mowing and using certain fertilization strategies, but one of the most important variables for a beautiful lawn is the grass you choose to plant.

Many people don’t realize that there are tons of different grass seeds and that each one grows best under certain conditions. In addition to their different appearance and growing conditions, each grass has its own maintenance concerns that you should be aware of before choosing one. Continue reading to learn more about different types of grass, including general information about what they look like and whether they grow well in your region of the country.

Warm Season Grasses Versus Cool Season Grasses

Grass types can be divided into two general categories: warm-season grasses and cool-season grasses. As the name suggests, these classifications refer to an herb’s ability to thrive in certain climates.

Warm-season grasses generally do best in the southern states and in the transition zone, which extends into states such as Virginia, Kentucky, Missouri and parts of Colorado. These grasses can withstand intense summer heat and require plenty of sun. They have a growing season that lasts from late spring to mid-fall, which is when they are greenest.

On the other hand, cool-season grasses are more suited to the climates of northern states. For climates with cooler temperatures, especially in summer, these grasses are often an excellent choice because they provide a long growing period. However, they can be difficult to maintain if summer temperatures remain too high and have a very low shade tolerance.

If you have not yet identified what type of grass you have, it is important to understand what climate you live in and what type of grass best suits your lawn. Cool season grasses planted in warmer climates and vice versa will require much more maintenance to keep alive, which can result in an unpleasantly short growing season.

Warm Season Grass Seeds

Warm-season grass seeds are best planted in southern states, from southern California to Florida, and as far north as parts of Tennessee, Virginia, and Kentucky. However, there are several types of warm season grasses and each has its own considerations beyond this. Read on to discover some of these grasses.

Zoysia Grass

Zoysia grass is a tough, creeping grass species that grows in thin strands and maintains a light to medium green color throughout the growing season. This species has high drought tolerance and can tolerate heavy foot traffic, making it perfect for more extreme summer climates. Zoysia is also quite cold-hardy, making it possible to grow in the northern end of the transition zone.

Zoysia grass is quite dense and will form a solid mat of grass under your feet. Due to its hardy nature, maintenance can be quite simple, as long as you are in a suitable climate zone. The peak time for lawn maintenance comes in late spring and summer, when you’ll want to perform basic maintenance, like mowing the grass. You won’t have to worry about overwatering, as the species is drought tolerant.

centipede grass

Easily recognizable by its short, needle-like appearance, centipede grass is a relatively delicate grass that requires little maintenance. It is quite heat resistant, but due to its shallow root system, centipede grass is more susceptible to drought than its counterparts. It requires much warmer winters than other warm-season grasses, so the best climates are found in southeastern regions, where mild winters are common.

Soil requirements also make centipede grass potentially difficult for lawns. The acidic, sandy soils of the southeastern United States may be suitable for grazing, but these same soil types in the Southwest are too alkaline due to limited rainfall in those regions. For this reason, homeowners in areas such as the Gulf or Atlantic coasts may have an easier time growing centipede grass.

Assuming the climate is right, grass is fairly easy to maintain. You may need to water your lawn more frequently if drought-like conditions favor growth. Also, be careful with heavy foot traffic, as grass does not tolerate it well.


Bermuda grass is a very popular grass with exceptional resistance to heat and drought. Its appearance consists of dense root and stem systems with thick blades of grass. Bermuda grass is best suited for hot summers and mild winters and, like most warm-season grasses, benefits from plenty of direct sunlight. Southern states, from the Atlantic to the Pacific, can support Bermuda grass without many problems.

Its deep roots and aggressively fast growth rate can cause some unique maintenance needs. Excess thatch can accumulate due to high growth rates, so it may be necessary to remove thatch occasionally. Bermuda grass thrives best when it receives about 1 inch of water per week, including rain.

Bay Grass

Bahia grass, a rough grass with long, thick leaves, is another very hardy variety of warm-season grass. Its extensive root system makes it drought resistant, and its ability to thrive in sandy, acidic soils makes it extremely durable and unaffected by heavy foot traffic. A high heat tolerance makes this herb perfect for most southern states.

It is important to avoid planting seeds in shady areas, as the herb thrives in sunlight. Also, be sure to avoid overwatering, as this can weaken the grass.

Cool Season Grass Seeds

For homeowners in climates with colder temperatures and harsher winters, cool-season grasses are best. Below are some popular varieties.

tall fescue

Tall fescue grass is a versatile, coarse-textured species adapted to a variety of climates. Both heat and drought stress are tolerable for tall fescue, making it an excellent grass for transition zone climates that still have warm summers.

These grasses can be planted from seed in late spring or when air temperatures reach 60 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit. When maintaining your lawn, be sure not to cut these grasses too short, as this will help prevent weed growth.

Fine Fescue

Fine fescue grass looks very similar to its tall counterpart and provides homeowners with a soft, meadow-like lawn. Drier soil types are best for this grass, as too much water can damage it. Like tall fescue, cooler temperatures are ideal for growth and this variety has great shade tolerance.

Homeowners in northern regions may consider fine fescue to be a low-maintenance option, requiring little water and little pruning. Depending on the type of soil, you may need to fertilize more or less than average. Sandy soil types will require more, but one way to counteract this is by leaving grass clippings on the lawn.

kentucky bluegrass

Featuring narrow leaves with boat-shaped leaf tips, Kentucky bluegrass is a popular variety with plenty of winter hardiness but limited shade tolerance. It is an excellent option for states with cold winters, but it does not resist heat well.

You’ll want to plant them from seed in early fall when cool season growth is at its peak. This variety does not have much disease resistance, so some homeowners choose to mix Kentucky bluegrass with a similar perennial, such as ryegrass.


With fine strands and clumpy growth, ryegrass is a versatile option that can be used for temporary and permanent lawns. It is a cool season grass, so if you live in colder climates, it will come back year after year.

Southern lawn owners can also take advantage of annual ryegrass by overseeding their lawns in winter. This will keep your lawn full of green grass all winter long and make room for any warm-season varieties you planted once spring arrives.

How to choose the right grass seed

Choosing the right grass seed is a matter of understanding what you want your lawn to look like and knowing what climate you are in. Keep an eye on typical trends in your weather patterns, such as first frost dates, and know which growing zone. You are inside. Once you have an idea of ​​what type of grass will grow best in your area, it’s a matter of deciding how much maintenance you want to do.

At Lawn Doctor, we can help you transform your lawn or keep your current lawn in its best condition. If you’re unsure of the best practices for your lawn, our experts can help, whether it’s planting, weeding, fertilizing, or another lawn care task. Contact us today to get a quote and find out how we can transform your lawn.

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